The Ultimate People Per Hour Promo Code & Review 2024
Business & Indie Making Article
The Ultimate People Per Hour Promo Code & Review 2024
Update – I now use freelancer.co.uk for all my hiring and freelancer work needs.
Welcome to the ultimate People Per Hour promo code and review article that sheds the light on how you can take full advantage of PPH for buyers and sellers. Not forgetting the 5% People Per Hour promo code.
People Per Hour Promo Code – 5% OFF
Without further ado to claim your 5% off just click here and visit PeoplePerHour.com via this link. This People Per Hour promo code works only for new users on their first purchase.
People Per Hour Review
Now for our ultimate peopleperhour.com review. This review is ideal for those who are new to PPH who want a run through of the benefits for buyers and sellers.
What is PeoplePerHour.com?
PeoplePerHour.com is a marketplace website for freelancers, businesses and individuals to buy and sell their professional services. In terms of buying and selling the pinnacle of their marketplace is the ‘Hourlie’ (I’ll go in to more detail about what the hourlie is below).
PPH has offices in London, Reading, Sherborne, New York, Athens, Manilla, Maringá, Hyderabad and further afield! They are a truely growing global marketplace for freelancers. A zero borders network of people buying and selling services.
The Hourlie™
People Per Hour’s Hourlies™ is a trademarked service where freelancers can offer a set service for a set fee. So there are over 150,000 freelancers on PPH, most have one or more Hourlies that they offer. For example, a writer may have an hourlie that sells a 500 word blog post for £15 delivered in 3 days. This is a set service so that clients can compare hourlies combined with the freelancers profile and CERT rating (we will talk about CERT ratings more below). This gives the client the option to select the service they want (as there are literally thousands of hourlies on PPH) and gives the freelancer the option to set clear service offers out for potential clients to review.
The CERT rating
People Per Hour is a crowdsource professional service marketplace but with any marketplace the reputation of the buyers and sellers matters massively. Trust is key when preforming any transaction involving money. Therefore PeoplePerHour.com has created their own reputation ranking system called CERT which stands for Community, Engagement, Repeat-usage, and Trust. This alogrithim is biased towards buyers/sellers who have recently used the site, provided services and have good feedback. Feedback is uber-important on PPH, and therefore you get a higher CERT rating if you have regular sales for the same client. This shows a trustworthy relationship. It’s not all that simple though and the true magic of the alogorithim is left to the magical code elves.
People Per Hour for Sellers
Freelancers love PeoplePerHour.com. It brings the potential of more work at the click of a button. Which for most freelancers is the biggest worry they will ever face. The fear of providing a stable income for whatever lifestyle they have. Most sellers have profiles on all the big (and some of the smaller) marketplaces like People Per Hour. For UK freelancers PPH is one, if not the, best marketplace to be on. Sellers need to start building their profile, their hourlies, and their CERT rating. All of these in combination with good quality proposals at a fair price will lead to a good experience.
A few pitfuls that some sellers experience is neglecting their profiles where they do not add a high quality portfolio; where they do not reply to clients on time; and where they overcharge for their services and push themselves out of the running. Fee’s are important. Don’t undercharge (always go for at least the national minimum wage) but be competitive to win work.
People Per Hour for Buyers
Finding the right person or service for a job you need doing can be a right headache for businesses. I know, we have been there. When you need a one-off job doing or a small regular task completing then People Per Hour can fill that gap for you. Start with Hourlies as there is usually someone providing the service you are after but, if its an uber-specific and unique task then you can post a job for free (or feature it for a fee). Then sit back and wait for the proposals come flooding in. A good ball park figure is about 20 proposals per job from our experience of PPH. Some jobs may be higher and some may be lower. Depends what it is at the end of the day. Oh and don’t forget about the People Per Hour promo code.
It’s not all rosy though on People Per Hour
As with any balanced review we should explore some of the critiques of People Per Hour. Some users, critics and gurus believe that PPH offers a marketplace that offers only a race to the bottom for sellers and quality. Where cheap design, content and other services are destroying the freelancing industry for the sake of a few poundnotes, fair pay and quality services.
I can understand this point of view. Nobody wants cheap rubbish quality services. That is why I believe that the CERT rating helps bring out quality freelancers. I know that if we ever use any service we look for quality over price because we believe that the best is always worth the cost. That fair pay and a good fee is good for everyone.
I don’t think that PPH is a race to the bottom though. Some clients will want the cheapest possible service and if someone wants to provide that service (and they are happy enough to do it for at least the national minimum wage) then that’s supply and demand in action. I don’t think that services where someone can provide services for less than the national minimum wage is acceptable. PPH do state that an Hourlie should count as an hour of your time/or that the fee charge should reflect the time spent working on that service so that they aren’t left out of pocket, that they get a fair pay for the service offered, and that they meet national minimum wage legislation in the UK.
Freelancers should always get a good fee and fair pay for their services. There is always more PPH could do more in this area to ensure that this happens, however, it looks as though they are going in the right direction focussing on feedback and trust rather than price which helps negate this. Still more to do though.
PeopePerHour have written about this critique here: http://blog.peopleperhour.com/blogroll/our-ceo-xenios-answers-is-peopleperhour-really-pushing-prices-down/
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Discount never worked for me!
That’s odd. I’ll double check it.
Update: I checked it and not sure what’s happening. Looks like its an issue with PPH not the link.