Why do you need Tsohost for your Small Business Web Hosting?
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Why do you need Tsohost for your Small Business Web Hosting?
Why do you need Tsohost for your Small Business Web Hosting? Good question especially when there are thousands of web hosting and domain registration companies all over the world. How can I say definitively Tsohost is the best small business web hosting company in the UK? Let me explain.
(You can also save more on Tsohost by using our Tsohost Promotional Code and get an in-depth review of Tsohost here with our Tsohost Review).
Alternatively use the Tsohost Code “TENTSO” or check out our Tsohost Promotional Code.
Small Business Web Hosting 101
Pricing – So you run a small business and you are looking at starting a new website, redesigning an existing one, or move your website over to a better web hosting company. Most people will be looking at price. With most things in life you get what you pay for so if the price is cheap then so probably will the service, support and your users experience when visiting your website. Price doesn’t mean you have to fork out a fortune though. If you know what to look for and choose a company that cuts the excess off then the price can be right on the money. I’m talking from £4.99 per month for average small business website.
Long Term Investment – Hopefully your business grows and succeeds so choosing the right small business web hosting company in the beginning is vital. You will need to expand your services so a web hosting company that can dynamic increase or decrease your allowances depending on your individual circumstances will save you a small fortune in the decades to come.
Business Class Email – One of the biggest mistakes you can make for your business is to use a free email service like @hotmail.co.uk or @aol.com. This puts off a lot of people because they think that the company might be a dodgy operation. So choosing a web hosting and domain registration company that offers business class email is a must have. An email with your businesses domain in it is the first step to gaining customer trust.
Support, Support, Support – This is something that you may not have thought about if you are starting your first website but if you are migrating your website to a new web hosting company then you realise the value of support. From my own personal experience running a digital marketing company I have used GoDaddy, 1and1, 123Reg, to name a few, and to be completely honest the support was diabolical. You will need support so choosing one with 24/7 support and engineers at the other end rather than sales support staff will make all the difference.
Speed Is Everything – There are three elements to speed when talking about small business web hosting. 1) You want to be able create create, edit and save changes to your website without waiting all day. 2) You will want your visitors to have a fast load time. It is proven that you have just 2 seconds before a potential customer goes looking elsewhere. 3) Google loves fast loading websites and it is a ranking factor on search pages – faster your website the better your website will rank.
SSL For All – (Thanks to Mac Dakla for suggesting this one.) Security is a fundamental part of trust and confidence online. Whether you are capturing email addresses, login details or credit card details you must be encrypting your website. Tsohost allow you to add an SSL certificate, starting from £49.99, to any of their hosting services. Even the cheapest hosting they do. Not every company allows this so for Tsohost to do this means that you can get your membership website or ecommerce store up and running on a budget.
So Why Tsohost?
This isn’t a hard sell. Tsohost’s reputation is plain and clear. They are one of the best web hosting companies around because they are passionate about the services they supply and the customers they supply too. Plus they tick the boxes where it matters. Let’s see how Tsohost do against the Small Business Web Hosting 101:
Pricing – Hosting from £2.99 per month. Domains from £3.35 per year. SSL certificates from £49.99 per year. Nothing else needs to be said.
Long Term Investment – Tsohost specialises in cloud web hosting and this is uber-flexible and scalable. So when you need to increase or decrease your hosting capabilities you can do this hassle-free. You just open a support ticket and within an hour or two its sorted.
Business Class Email – Comes free as standard with every domain. You can get a enterprise email server for larger businesses starting from £29.99 per month – but we are talking 250+ employees big.
Support, Support, Support – Tsohost have on average replied to my 73 support tickets in under an hour. The fastest reply was about a few minutes or so. It’s not just the speed of the support but also the quality that matters. From my experience these guys and girls over at Tsohost know servers and web hosting like the back of their hand.
Speed Is Everything – As Tsohost is mainly a cloud web hosting company you can be sure that the speeds are going to be fast both front and backend – even on the cheapest plans!
That’s why you need Tsohost for your Small Business Web Hosting
That’s it really. Tsohost is fast, flexible, and reasonable value. Talking of value check out our Tsohost Promotional Code for even better value, or to find our more about Tsohost check out our Tsohost Review or Tsohost Promotional Code.
Alternatively use the Tsohost Code “TENTSO” or check out our Tsohost Promotional Code.
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Great post Dougie. Just one question does Tsohost allow SSL as standard on their basic cloud hosting? Just would be a good item to add to your list as security is a big trust indicator for customers.
Thanks! Love the new blog style and direction. Have a good 2014!
Hello Mac. Yes it does. Great idea. I will add it to the article now. Thanks for posting. Great that you love the new design.